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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


Take a deep breath and join me in this healing journey. We are in this together.

Overcome fear


Burn the fear

 Hey my friend,

Have you ever felt scared before?

Of course, you have because you are human.

Fear and worry become an issue when they start to duplicate themselves in our lives. Do you ignore a blocked drain in the kitchen sink if it is a problem? Obviously not. You can call a plumber or attempt the repair yourself. Don't dismiss it when fear threatens your physical and emotional well-being and causes you to avoid situations that could arouse greater anxiety. Do not attempt to push away anxiety when it becomes a crippling condition that makes you feel ill and unsafe.

Think about your goal. Why haven't you achieved it already? The simple answer is fear if you're like the majority of people. Fear is the impediment preventing you from pursuing your goals. Fear might cause us to be distracted and to make excuses, but it doesn't have to. One of the most liberating endeavors you can engage on is learning how to conquer fear. The most awful aspect of it is that fear can strike anyone at any age. The young, the aged, and everyone in between are all susceptible.

This article examines the topic of fear, including the causes of panic attacks, their symptoms, and treatments.

What makes you scared?

 On rare situations, being afraid might protect you from danger. Examples like fear of heights or fire. Anxiety over failing, though, is the most harmful of all. When it is intense, it can cause you to stop in your tracks because you're too terrified to continue and live your life.

However, not everyone is similarly impacted by fear. Some people are afraid of particular things, while others are terrified practically of everything. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of this anomaly. Genetic factors and a person's upbringing are considered to be the triggers for evoking the worst of all negative feelings. But, are fear and phobia the same?

 Many people mix up between fear and phobia, while there's so much difference between them.

While fear is mostly an instinct that protects creatures from genuine danger, phobia is an illogical fear that is defined by a pronounced anticipation of a perceived threat, these contrasts are explored in more detail in the table that follow:



Fear is a common feeling experienced by everyone.

Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that describes excessive and enduring fear of things and circumstances that do not carry real threats.

Fear can be felt by anyone when faced with an unknown or dangerous situation.

Phobia will cause irrational fear that will consume most of your time and energy.

Fear can be characterized by nervousness, anxiety, discomfort and distress.

Phobia can cause tachycardia, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or even  panic attacks.

Fear cannot be overcome by any treatment.

Phobia can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy


 All of us occasionally feel the emotion of fear. We learn to mange it, along with many other unfavorable feelings, as part of growing up. But managing it can continue for such a long time and somehow we feel like we need help. So when do you need to seek help?

 For other people, though, the level of terror they experience could change. It would be longer and tougher to feel. The coping strategy could be unable to control the emotion's aftereffects. Fear becomes a mental health issue when it is persistent and severe. Fear will overwhelm you for days or weeks; it will take control of your life and not let go. It's usually nothing to worry about if your fear has little to no effects on your life. However, if avoiding the thing, behavior, or circumstance that makes you anxious interferes with your daily activities or prevents you from doing things you love, it's time to get help. If you find yourself unable to shake off the feeling even after repeated attempts, it is time to consult a doctor.SEO Tag Tester

Tips and tricks to manage fear:

Realizing when fear may strike is difficult, but there are several things we can do to reduce its impact and to take care of ourselves to prevent and manage this negative emotion. You will be asked to eat healthily, get more sleep, do more exercise, meditate, develop hobbies, practice affirmation, spend more time with people you love, or spend some alone time. Some people can use these; others cannot. These helpful suggestions can occasionally be contradictory and lead to your fear rising. All of these things can make you feel guilty if the cause of your anxiety is a lack of time.

Affirmations have the capacity to change your perspective and reduce unpleasant feelings like worry and fear. A troubled mind can be calmed down and unreasonable anxieties and panic attacks and be reduced with the use of positive affirmations before these mental monsters overtake you and seize control of your mental faculties. It's important to keep in mind that using affirmations doesn't automatically fix issues. It merely gives you the willpower to carry it out.

How to make the most of these affirmations:

Affirm each day: Include them in your everyday routine. Affirmation may not be as effective if you only use them when you are having problems. The ideal time to repeat affirmations is in the morning, right after waking up, and right before bed. Allocate five to ten minutes for this. 

Keep them up to date: Whether you choose from writing affirmations down or creating your own, be sure that each one talks to you, your situation, and your goal. Do not be afraid to rearrange your chosen affirmations if you believe they are not serving you well. 

Make them clear: Affirmations can also be written on sticky notes and stuck up in areas where you'll see them frequently, in addition to being repeated. 

Now let's discuss some rare and somehow funny phobias you may have never heard of before. Have you heard of fear of numbers? it sounds funny actually but this is a real phobia and it's called Arithmophobia, the fear of numbers is real for those who have arithmophobia, despite the fact that many people grow up hating math class. In contrast to the fear of actually seeing the number symbols, those who have this phobia typically experience anxiety when practicing math or dealing with numbers in general. Numerophobia is another name for the fear of numbers. Arithmophobia can have a substantial negative impact on a person's life because many professions or occupations require working with numbers. This cannot be scary more than having fear of money, Plutophobia; even when many people undoubtedly wish they had more money, plutophobia is the dread of prosperity or money. People who suffer from plutophobia may fear being wealthy themselves or being around wealthy people. They typically detest having to deal with money. People who experience this anxiety may damage their jobs to prevent earning more money or becoming affluent. The fear of getting affluant may result from a fear of the responsibilities and demands attached to it or from a worry of becoming a victim of robbery. Shocking right?! but what caught my attention is Ablutophobia, which means fear of bathing. This is unbelievable for me, a dread of bathing, washing or cleansing oneself is known as ablutophobia. This phobia frequently affects most children and goes away as they get older, yet it can still exist in adults. Ablutophobics don't bath or shower, which can result in bad body odor and occasionally social isolation. These consequences, however, pale in comparison to their intense fear of bathing and anxiety they feel during bathing. A painful experience involving water or a fear of being wet can both contribute to ablutophobia. These are some rare phobias, we don't have to turn it as a joke and laugh about it if we ever met a person who has one of these fears, we have to accept it and to be kind. No one is perfect.

Final words:

Extreme fear can have a negative impact on our lives and on the lives of those closest to us. We can become nervous, apprehensive and tense as a result, which can prevent us from making important judgments. We may get cut off from those who genuinely care about us. It can alter the direction of our life and irreparably harm our future.

The first step in overcoming fear is admitting that it exists. Some might be able to confort it head-on and permanently overcome fear. Not everyone has this luck or bravery. They might find the advice provided here useful for leading a contented, tranquil life.

Until next time! Dream big guys! 


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