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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


Take a deep breath and join me in this healing journey. We are in this together.

Migraine is more than just a headache


Are you one of these 36 million Americans who have Migraine, but don't know how to deal with it or you are ashamed to talk about it? or are you one of those who wants to know more about this disease in order to help someone you care about? in either way, you are in the right place. Because we are going to discuss this disorder and I am going to open your eyes about new migraine facts you probably don't know about.

To start with, Migraines are the third most prevalent medical condition worldwide, according to the Migraine Research Foundation.

Anyone who believes that a migraine is "just a headache" kick him out. Because he has probably never experienced one. Because the ailment can be extremely painful and incapacitating.

The pain of migraine is brought on by the stimulation of nerve fibers in the meninges of the brain's blood vessels. Simply, because the migraine itself is a neurological condition that frequently results in a variety of symptoms.

But the question here, is migraine related to mental health or is it inherited?

Well, your mental health is most definitely impacted by migraines. Regular migraine sufferers are more likely to experience sadness or anxiety as a result of the disease.

Patients with migraines are more likely to experience anxiety which affects about 50% of those who have migraines.

Both mental health and migraines are referred to be "invisible ailments". Both carry a stigma that could make others who don't live them ignore them or treat them differently.

The link between a migraine and mental health:

Due in part to how terrible migraines are, many patients feel despair or anxiety months or years after migraines appear.

This suggests that migraines do not cause depression or anxiety. This disorder can run in families. It is though that there are root factors, such as genetic reasons.

Migraine symptoms can be made worse by typical anxiety symptoms including fear, excessive worrying, and irritation. You could be anxious about when the next attack will happen, feel helpless because your symptom is unpredictable, and be annoyed by all the different ways that migraine affects your life. A large amount of migraine anxiety, and eventually, sadness can result from not knowing when the next migraine attack will happen.

Types of migraines:

  • Previously known as "Classic Migraine"  or "Migraine with Aura":
Includes vision disturbances and other neurological symptoms that start anywhere between 10 and 60 minutes before the headache itself and often continue no longer than an hour.

people could momentarily lose some or all of their vision. The headache discomfort, which can happen at any time, may not accompany the aura.

Speaking difficulties, an unusual sensation, numbness, or muscle weakness on one side of the body, tingling in the hands or face, and bewilderment are additional characteristic symptoms. The headache may be preceded by nausea, lack of appetite, and heightened sensitivity to light or sound.

  • The more common type of migraine is known as a "Common Migraine" or "Migraine without an Aura":
The most common side of the head is frequently affected by a sudden, sharp headache pain. Other symptoms include nausea, confusion, impaired vision, mood swings, exhaustion, and heightened sensitivity to light, sound, or loud noise.


Causes of migraine:

All the elements that trigger migraine are still not fully understood by researchers. Changes in the body serotonin levels seem to be one of their possible causes.

Serotonin influences blood vessels and has numerous physiological effects. High quantity of serotonin causes blood arteries to constrict (shrink). The blood arteries enlarge when serotonin levels drop. Other issues or pain may result from this swelling.

Also, the association of a migraine headache with a spreading pattern of electrical activity in the brain is another factor under investigation.

But on the other hand, some researchers found out that your chance of having a migraine can rise due to a variety of circumstances which they differ from one person to another. Such as:

What are the 4 stages of migraine?

  1. Up to 24 hours before the onset of a migraine, premonitory symptoms start to appear; Food cravings, unexplained mood swings (such as sadness or euphoria), excessive yawning, fluid retention, or increased urination.
  2. Aura ; Some people report muscle weakness or the sensation of being touched or grabbed just before or during the migraine, while others may see flashing, brilliant lights or what appear to be heat waves
  3. Headache ; A migraine typically develops gradually and gets worse. Migraine can occur without having a headache.
  4. Postdrome; After a migraine, people are frequently worn out or disoriented. Before people resume feeling healthy, the postdrome phase may extend up to a day
Can migraine be cured?

On the bright side, there are several ways to treat sadness and anxiety, I am not saying "there are several ways to treat migraine", because unfortunately, till now, there's no treatment, but as we said before, as long as anxiety and depression are related to migraine, we can cure that, and by taking that step we can overcome the risk of migraine attacks. Including using treatments that block nerve impulses.

Nonpharmacological therapy are also available. Treatments for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you manage stress by changing the way you think and behave, which may be a factor in our feelings of depression and worry.

How to prevent and treat migraine?

Final words

If you have a migraine or another invisible sickness, nobody will know that you are suffering until you tell them. So speak up. And as Kristin Chenoweth said:

Try your best not to give the migraine anymore energy than it’s already going to consume from you”

All love and support


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