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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


Take a deep breath and join me in this healing journey. We are in this together.

Protect your positivity


Have you ever noticed that when certain people walk into a room, their energy is instantly obvious? Some people make us feel nervous and tense, yet others offer a peaceful, comforting aura.

I'm sure that you have had the acquaintance of someone who looks a lot like Squidward or the coworker who acts like a negative Nancy.

Even if you already know that these people are unpleasant to be around, you might be surprised to learn that they can actually have very detrimental on both your success and well-being. Even your IQ and cognitive abilities might also be impacted by these negative attitudes.

But, once you build a barrier around your inner self nobody can get past it.

That's why being self-aware and conscious of your surroundings is one approach to prevent the negative energy of other people from affecting you. This entails being aware of your feelings and ideas and identifying when negativity from the outside world is affecting you and by that you can set limits to negative energy.

Of course there are some folks you just can't get rid of, like coworkers or bosses, at least not straight away. Fortunately, even if you spend more than eight hours a day with them, there are several tried and true strategies to shield your optimistic outlook from their impact.

Negative people and complainers are undesirable because they are entangled in their own issues. They frequently invite others to attend their negativity party.

 Additionally, we frequently feel under pressure to listen to these negative people in order to avoid coming across as impolite, but there is a big difference between listening and sympathetically and becoming deeply involved in the negative emotional storms of others. 

Asking complainers how they plan to resolve the issue is a fantastic method to set boundaries. They will either put an end to their negativity or change the subject to something positive.

Also, what I'm going to say next will be hard for you to adapt, but responding to a negative situation is greater than reacting to it.

What I mean here is that you have to try not to just react when something triggers something within you; instead, try responding mindfully. We spend the most of our day observing and interacting with others around us. You can make room for the protection of your good energy if you learn to respond to negativity instead of just reacting to it.

Why I advise you to respond not to react, simply because reaction is mostly motivated by fear and insecurity, it's our first emotional response to an occurrence. The ego's natural desire to defend itself gives rise to these primal feelings. It is usually not the most effective technique to keep your peace.

However, by responding we can detach our ego from the circumstance. You will be more prepared to react positively if you take a moment, even a brief one, to assess the circumstances.

But hey! what I'm saying here doesn't mean that your negative energy will totally vanish just because you're actively trying to stay positive. it's normal to have occasional depression. You may find yourself engaging in the gossips at work. Perhaps you simply need to take a moment to complain about your work. Take care of yourself, but don't punish yourself! Nobody anticipates you to always be happy or fortunate.

However, don't make it a habit, you should vent if necessary. Just don't unpack your bags and make that place your home, but give yourself permission to spend some time there. Keep negativity from staying too long. Once you're done, practice emotional distance and consider why you required it at that particular moment. Rather than being stuck in the dark, choose to be proactive and direct your energy toward the light.

In addition, there's a very important grounding skill which I like the most, it's considered as the most efficient technique tried by different type of people from all ages. It can assist lower tension and educate us to not let negative energy control our attitude. This method is called the 5-4-3-2-1 method.

Which gives us time away from any outside factors that might be influencing our mental state while also helping us re-establish our connection to reality and to stay positive.

By applying this method, you will consciously use all of your senses to take in the finer details of your surroundings. Make an effort to pay attention to little details that your mind would normally ignore, such as the texture of an everyday object or hard to reach sounds.

Which five things are visible to you? Pay attention to the little things, like a pattern on the ceiling, the way light bounces off a surface, or anything you have never noticed before but not that negative thing or person.

What are four things you can feel? Take note on how the clothes feel on your body, how the sun feels on your skin, or how the chair feels against your body. Examine the weight, texture, and other physical characteristics of an object by picking it up.

What three sounds are you aware of? Pay close attention to any sounds that your mind has blocked out, including distant traffic, a ticking clock, or wind flowing through the trees.

What two scents are there? A fresh cut lawn or the scent of an air freshener are examples of scents you should try to pick up on. Another option is to search the area for scented objects, such flowers or unlit candles.

What is the one taste you can detect? For this phase, carry some candy, gum or some snack. Place one on your tongue and pay special attention to the tastes.

Final words

It's never too late to change your life or go through a transformation. Analyze and comprehend the factors influencing your discontent. By doing this, you may start working on implementing the adjustments required to live the best possible life.

All love and support


  1. Negative energy can be so quick to effect people, and it is crazy to me how some people don't even realize it is happening! Great tools to try to neutralize your own energy in the situation!

  2. What a great article! I will definitely pass this along! A lot of great content!

  3. Thanks for the info!

  4. I have used this 5-4-3-2-1 method myself. It’s a good strategy!

  5. Being around negative people is tough - but the strategies offered here may be helpful to remember. Great post!

  6. This is such a great explanation and reminder - negative energy doesn't need to be reciprocated. And I find that the goal is to get to a place where you simply become unbothered! Health is wealth!

  7. This was really helpful, thanks for sharing!

  8. I attended a keynote on 5-4-3-2-1 method and it was very inspiring like this post! :)

  9. Such an inspirational post and great reminder on staying positive and how to do so! I will have to try the technique of using my senses.


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