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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


Take a deep breath and join me in this healing journey. We are in this together.

Be creative

 The Creative YOU

Creativity is the strength of the human brain. You have all the resources needed to develop creativity, even if you don't think of yourself as a creative. It might be difficult for you to exercise your creative muscles, but using straightforward techniques can help you make the most of your brain's capabilities and spark your imagination.

 Ⅰ/ What is "Creativity":

The ability to generate unique , perhaps unconventional ideas to solve issues or develop whole new things is known as creativity. It is a skill you can develop.

Ⅱ/ The benefits of being creative:

The advantages of developing your creativity are numerous, such as:

1- Problem solving abilities are improved by creative thinking: 

 There are many issues in life that cannot be solved easily. You can approach problems in new ways and come up with creative solutions by using your creative thinking talents. 

2- Being creative encourages greater mental flexibility: 

  To come up with a creative solution or a brilliant idea when working on a creative project or fixing an issue, you must take into account many views.

3- Creativity produces innovation:

 Reflective thinking can assist you in hidden concepts or options you haven't previously considered.

Ⅲ/ Ways helped me improving my creativity: 

 I know these ways won't be effective for some people, but no harm in trying right?

 Go ahead and daydream: 

 Avoid using your free time to entertain yourself. Social networking, TV Shows and music occupy time that could be spent being creative. Allow your thoughts to wander when you run into a challenge or a brick wall rather than trying to fill it with informations.

➤Create your own "Three Ifs": 

 My professors back then, used to help me creating my "three ifs" in order to enhance my creative thinking, and personally, I found it effective. But before, let me clear one thing.

There are no universal methods for innovation, thus each person should build their own strategy based on their area of ​​expertise, area of ​​interest, ways of thinking and even the type of team they are working with.

 Many talented inventors take an existing product and ask insightful questions to twist the idea behind it and create something new: 

(1). If I changed it (the thing, institution, social relationship, etc.. ) what would happen?

(2). If I wanted to use this item in ten years, what would I add or change?

(3). What would I do if I had a one-million-dollar investment to improve it? 

 You can use these questions as effective thinking-altering tools. It is crucial to practice these abilities by applying the "three ifs" formula repeatedly to a variety of topics. And a ton of fresh ideas will come into a play.

➤Six technical hats: 

 Using the "six hats" method involves looking around at the problem from six different angles. You can come up with more ideas with this way than you might have if you only considered one or two points of view.

I made an illustrate example for you to understand better:

*Black hat : Put things in a bad light. Which components of the solution will fail?

*Blue hat: Think widely. Which solution works the best overall?

*Green hat: Be imaginative. What are some other options?

*Red hat : Take an emotional view of the problem. What do your emotions say to you?

*White hat: Analyze the situation with objectivity. Which facts apply?

*Yellow hat: Take a productive viewpoint. Which components of the solution will be effective?

I hope this article was insightful and that you will get inspired by these tips, because not just poets and artists have access to the techniques for enhancing creativity. Anyone can make progress in their creativity and find solutions to even the most challenging business issues. The time to start is now.


  1. I like the colored hat idea. Sitting in our own thoughts is not easy. Good tips.


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