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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


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Spiritual wellness

 Spiritual wellness; What is it? and how to improve it?

 When trying to connect the seven aspects of wellness, the spiritual aspect of health and wellbeing may prove to be the most individualized factor. In general people prefer to lead meaningful lives. When these objectives are achieved, harmony is restored in the lives of the individual and others around them.

What steps can you take to enhance your spiritual wellness then? it's best to determine which methods are effective for you. Spiritual wellbeing can be attained in a number of ways, both physically and psychologically, because it involves one's values, beliefs and purpose.

Let's start by defining spiritual health :

Take a look at this table below:

Spiritual wellness is not

Spiritual wellness is

being a person who is extremely religious

Having a relationship with the core of your existence and the reason you were sent on this earth.

Going to a place of worship frequently.

Establishing a connection with The Divine (God).

Forcing oneself to adopt a strict belief system and expecting others to do the same.

Relating to the people around you and connect to your environment and culture.  

Living with tight restrictions and cultural expectations.

Experiencing life according to your life purpose and values. 

chasing your interests without respect for what others may think because you believe that your way of life is the best way to live.

Committing to your beliefs, ideals, and life's purpose. giving up control and accepting "what is"—(everything or anything )that is in the present moment

What catches your attention about this list when you browse through it? Where do you believe you are right now, based on the table above? What does it mean to live in a way that promotes spiritual wellness? What benefits does that give you?
Well, let me say that understanding and accepting your connection to your place in the world are essential components of spiritual health. It is the knowledge that your life is meant for something greater than material possessions and superficial happiness. Life occurs to you, not for you. Spiritually wellbeing is the desire to carry out good deeds, live gratefully and encourage others. Religion may or may not be a part of spiritual wellness; that is a decision that each person must make for themselves. It is not a list of laws, guidelines or standards. However, it is also not a valid excuse to do anything you want.

But... How do you know if you have good spiritual health?
First, start asking yourself these questions, they will help you assess your spiritua well-being:

Do I plan leisure time into my schedule?
Do I set aside time for prayer and/or meditation?
Do my decision and behaviors reflect my values?
Do I feel as though my life has a meaning and a purpose?
Do I feel at peace with the environment around me?
Do I respect other people's opinions?

If you answered these questions with "Yes", then you are one of mentally healthy people who typically exhibit feeling of hope, positivity, forgiveness, self-acceptance, commitment, purpose, self-esteem, clear values and peace.

 If most of your answers are with "No" then, emptiness, worry, meaningless, self-judgment, indifference and contradictory values are typical symptoms you feel as being among people who may need to reevaluate their spiritual health. But the good thing is these people frequently believe that they must get better.

You may asked yourself once in a while, why is spiritual health important?
Well... I have the answer (: Didn't you notice that the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the world "wellness" may be physical health? Unfortunately, our physical health is only one aspect of wellbeing, though. The state of one complete wellbeing includes their spiritual health as well.
Our lives can be significantly impacted by spiritual wellbeing. For instance, those who are in a good spiritual health are more likely to succeed in all sectors of life, including romantic relationships and professional ambitions. They frequently experience less stress in their lives and greater mental health. Furthermore, when our spiritual health is strong, we often have a greater capacity of forgiveness and compassion. This strengthened connection with people can then spread outward into the world at large, bringing about good change in the environment we live in.
Mental health is more than just unconditional love. We also need unlimited tolerance as well. However, it is important to consider what it takes to improve spiritually in order to grow as a person. You may feel hungry all the time, and this can have many causes. We may be trying to fill an emotional or mental void in our lives without realizing it. Or maybe we don't take the time to understand what our bodies are telling us and how to heal our mind.

According to research by primary care physicians, it can be challenging to keep mental stability in the midst of daily stress, which is the major cause of many people's sadness and breakdown.  As a result, maintaining mental stability is crucial, and you can do so by strengthening your spiritual convictions by heeding the following effective advice I follow during my journey:

 1. Observe your spiritual guts and soul: 

You are merely posing questions to yourself about your identity and purpose when you examine your spiritual side. Who are you? you might ask.  What am I here for? What do I hold most dear? these inquires will take you down a path that will cause you to reflect more deeply on who you are and enable you to identify traits that will make you happier.

2. Discard it:

 You will be able to keep your mind focused if you express what's on your mind. You can feel perturbed and unable to make sense of your feelings after a long day or an important event. You might be able to think more clearly and take actions by writing down your ideas. Trust me, writing can really help you manage your emotions, increase your awareness and provide a safe area for you to express your emotions at that particular time.

3.Think positively: 

You will begin to think differently and shift your mind to a joyful, healthy place once you begin to see the positive aspects of your life. you will discover that you are more at ease when you get rid of negativity and alter the way you view particular things and circumstances.

4.Relate to the Faith Community:

 Find groups and individuals who share your opinions and interact with them online, over the phone or in person. Find ways to connect with like-minded members of your religious community who can support and encourage you by contacting your pastor and other spiritual leaders.

5.Connect with your purpose:

 Without a clear sense of purpose, you are destined to feel unfulfilled, aimless and possibly even hopeless. By connecting you to the comprehension that life is for "we" not just for "me", your mission offers your life direction and meaning. Serving something higher than yourself is the goal. Then what is the point of living? finding out how to enhance your spiritual wellness requires in-depth self-reflection on your needs, values and joy-producing beliefs.

6.Acceptance to change:

 Being open to change is another method to enhance your spiritual well-being. To do this, we must be prepared to let go of those things that are no longer beneficial to us and to break up with our bad habits. Although letting go of the past might be challenging, doing so can help us move on with our lives.

To sum up, it's critical to consistently practice gratitude. Negative emotions like self-pity or fear about the future will only grow if you concentrate on what needs to change or what your life lacks. you are more likely to recognize all the positive aspects of your life when you set aside time each day to think about how things are going. This upbeat approach will improve your entire spiritual health by reducing negative thoughts and feelings.

Now it's time for you to take this wellness test! 
 You only need ten minutes to finish this test. You will be able to change any bad behaviors thanks to this exam and the knowledge you learn form it, as well as work to become a more driven and persistent version of yourself in order to enhance your life. 

Read each statement and respond honestly by using these following scoring :
 Almost/Always = 2 points
Sometimes/Occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 point

..............1. I feel comfortable and at ease with my spiritual life.
..............2. There is a direct relationship between my personal values and direct actions.
..............3. When I get depressed or frustrated by problems, my spiritual beliefs and values give me direction.
.............4. Prayer, meditation and/or quiet personal reflection is/are important in my life.
............5. Life is meaningful for me and I feel a purpose in life.
............6. I am able to speak comfortably about my personal values and beliefs
............7. I am consistently striving to grow spiritually and I see it as a lifelong process.
............8. I have a strong sense of hope and optimism in my life and use my thoughts and attitudes in life affirming ways.
...........9. I appreciate the natural forces that exist in the universe.

Score meaning :
 13 to 18 points: Excellent strength in this dimension.
7 to 12 points: There is room for improvement. Look again at the items in which you scored 1 or 0. What changes can you make to improve your score?
0 to 9 points: This dimension needs a lot of work. Loo again at this dimension and challenge yourself to begin making small steps toward growth here. Remember: The goal is balanced wellness.

Let me know in comments how much points you got!!




  1. You're a lifesaver! more power to you
    Thank you


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