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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


Take a deep breath and join me in this healing journey. We are in this together.

Find your healing modality

Finding your healing modality 

Making the conscious choice may take us years, but once we start the healing process, it can be a difficult road to better health. It can take time to find your way, and it may involve both wonderful discoveries and dead ends. Since every person's body is unique, it can take some time and some trial and error to find the best healing method. I don't think there is one solution that applies to everyone, that's why, I am going to discuss in this blog:
  1.  Why people need spiritual healing?
  2. Do people ACTUALLY need an energy healer?
  3. What type of healing do people need to work on and how?
  4. What is the dark side of spiritual healing that most of us don't know about?
But first, did you know that you have the ability to heal your own energy? It depends on having the appropriate knowledge to you, just like anything else. If you have ever studied physics, you're aware that, matter is made up of energy. Even what would seem to be substantial objects, like a chair, are actually merely spinning, vibrating forms of energy. Additionally, being human beings, our body contains energy and vibration. Each individual emits their own energy signature. When someone claims to get "positive vibes" from someone else, they are actually referring to the vibrational energy of that person. Happier people actually resonate at a greater frequency than unhappy ones, which is why we are drawn to them.

For people asking "Why do we need energy healing?"  they don't know that symptoms of illness is a sign that one or more of your energy centers are blocked up or depleted. Energy healing techniques seek to readjust your energy centers and awaken your bodies subtle energy system. You encourage your physical body's natural ability to reestablish itself by doing this.  You don't have to wait for an energy point or center to be blocked, though. Your energy system is tuned up as you perform more energy work; think of it as a tune up.

Sometimes, a person asks himself "Do I need an energy healer?"  . 
"No", is the shortest response. One thing is that, more than ever before, everyone of us has the capacity to establish a direct connection with source. We can all directly access the powerful energy of Divine Love since it has amplified and stabilized in the globe. Your frequency increases when you are in touch with the divine, which makes it simpler to use that energy to heal. This is not to indicate that, if your intuition leads you to it, you shouldn't seek out an energy healer or a certain modality. There are many excellent energy workers, and it can be quite helpful to use various modality for various stages of healing. Always keep in mind that the best energy healers are essentially only catalysts for your own healing. A good energy healer may also teach you a lot. Simple put, it just needs to be the right match.

Let's say you finally decided to start the spiritual healing journey, the first thing you want to know is how. "How can I heal my soul?". But before reaching that part you need to know that there are 5 types of healing, so now your question is going to change to "What type of healing do I need?" .
  • Physical healing (of the body)
  • Emotional healing (of the heart)
  • Mental healing (of the mind)
  • Spiritual healing (of the spirit or soul)
  • Holistic healing (of the body, heart, mind and spirit)
The spiritual health you need depends on the following questions:

                    ➤ What is your current biggest struggle in life?
                    ➤ Do you have more than one pressing issue?

Your answers will help you decide what kind of spiritual healing treatment you need. For instance, if you had both chronic pain  (for which no other treatment are effective) and depression, you would benefit most from physical or mental therapy provided by a holistic healer. Conversely, if you only have one problem, such as an unshakable sense of loss from a failed relationship, look for healers that focus on emotional healing. 

And now, after determining what type of healing you need, we can dig on the possible ways to heal your spirit:
"I am a lost soul" or "My soul is broken" are some kind of phrases a person uses to pinpoint what's wrong. However, there is a significant misunderstanding here. Yes, there is undoubtedly a problem, but it is not the soul's brokenness (which is inconceivable from an objective position), but rather their loss of connection to their soul. In other words, they are not living in the joy and succulence that the soul gives, but rather than a dead, colorless world. So the question isn't "how to heal" your soul, but how to find your soul.
Here, it's crucial to be knowledgeable and to exercice spiritual discernment. Spiritual healing techniques are not all made equal. Not all healers and teachers have your interests in mind. And occasionally, the reasons we seek spiritual healing are the incorrect ones. I'll go on to explain why.

The hidden and dark side of spiritual healing that most of us don't know about and why no one is talking about it:
 There's a good reason why nobody discusses the negative aspects of spiritual healing. First off, the majority of people aren't even aware that there's a dark side. And if they are aware, they find it difficult to confort of face it. As simple as that.
  To put it briefly and succinctly, there are two dark twins of spiritual healing; 

       ➤ Spiritualized Resistance: What does spiritualized resistance mean? In essence, it means that occasionally we may use spiritual healing as a justification to "get rid of" specific emotions, memories and experiences that we have had. What's wrong with attempting to eliminate or avoid what we experience? It represents resistance. And resistance causes a great deal of suffering. I am referring to everything --anxiety, despair, rage, wrath, bitterness. I believe that everyone in the spiritual community needs to understand that trying to "heal" is not about healing.  In fact, healing is frequently used as a justification for hiding, repressing, rejecting or disowning what we're going through. The problem is that frantically attempting to heal can actually make you more unhappy and increase your resistance to what's happening, keeping you far from actually recovering! We must comprehend that facing, acknowledging, examining and integrating what we are going through are all essential components of genuine spiritual healing. It is not about attempting to ignore reality!

      ➤ Dark spiritual teachers: These educators take advantage of the push-and-pull game of eternal self improvement's addictive nature for their own gain. This is obvious everywhere. It's a depressing thing to see. People who think they need to spend a lot of money to "manifest their wishes", maintain a high vibration, and overall acquire more and be more (as if who they are and what they have isn't already enough) tend to have it. It is a never ending loop that results in anguish. A genuine spiritual teacher will always restore your power; however, a fake spiritual teacher will not only aggressively promote your codependency but will always parade around wearing it as a crown. They will assert that they have the ability to "cure" all of your problems and show you the "one true way" to enlightenment, illumination and self-realization. And if you accept their claims, you will get caught in the perilous trap of thinking that salvation can be found outside yourself. 

At the end, I want to say that everyone can obtain safe and effective energy healing. Don't be shocked if, after you start trying, you discover that it initially triggers a lot of fear, specifically involving death. This is because when your vibrational frequency rises, your awareness of the dark also increases. This is crucial. Anger and terror are inevitabilities. You are doing things well when these feelings arise. 

All love and support


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