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I am committed to my own journey of personal development and I enjoy utilizing my words to uplift others. I am engaged in both literary and visual art, and able to build strong relationships and assisting others in reaching their full potential. Almost everything I do is creative, even the weird and unusual things!


Take a deep breath and join me in this healing journey. We are in this together.

Beyond limits

 Beyond limits


If you're trying to do your best. Please stop.

Don't do your best.

Yes, I am serious.

How often have you heard the expression "do your best" ? Did that really motivate you to do your best?

When was the last time YOU told someone "Just do your best"? Did it inspire them to give their best?

Of course the answer is NO!

Do any one of us know what our best looks like?

The truth is no one hears the phrase "do your best" and immediately decides to go out and work until they are unable to realize they could possibly make this even a little bit better. 

Instead, we hear "do your best" and think, I'll do a good enough work that my boss will feel this is my best and be happy with it.

Not quite motivational, is it?

The major point is that telling ourselves or others to do our/their best won't get us very far toward our goals if we aren't clear about what we want or where we want to go.

If you want to do your best, then don't do your best.

So, if doing your best doesn't work, or offers ordinary results, then what's the alternative?

Setting a specific and difficult goal is the key.

How? Do I mean if your goal is easy to reach and too vague, you shouldn't do your best?

No, not at all.

I'm just saying that goals which are specific about what must be completed and have a high bar for success produce much better results than those that are general or have a low bar.

Let me explain:

It is impossible to settle for anything less than what you truly want if you are clear when expressing your desires to others or when setting goals for yourself.

When a goal is too vague, it can be too tempting to give up when you're tired, bored, or discouraged. 

I know setting difficult goals can be a bad idea for some, but it's also true that success depends on making the unachievable happen.

Don't listen to "dream killers" who just say "your goals are not even realistic". They will crush you if you take their words seriously. They will warn you against having unrealistic expectations and against establishing challenging objectives because "you'll only be settling yourself for failure and disappointment". While all what they're saying is blah blah blah..

Setting challenging goals really does help you in pushing past your limits.

This is the very and crucial first step you have to take if you want to give more energy and effort than usual.

Actually, the worst thing in life is not death but what dies inside us while we're still breathing.

Your passions and dreams are killed by doubt, fear and painful memories, and they prevent you from achieving a bright future.

It's clear that you don't want this for yourself.

However, a life without meaning is not worth living. You must have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone and take a risk if you want to take the most out of what you have. Otherwise, you won't ever realize your full potential or how far you could have advanced.

Always do your best and watch your best gets better. But the main question here is; is it even possible to always do your best?

Emphatically I say, yes, yes it is.

Doing your best means taking full use of every moment and living it to the fullest. And you can realize this potential in every circumstance you come across in life. You only need to choose to resist whatever challenges life hands you.

It's not about reaching goals or expectations to do your best. Success or failure are not the topic. It involves giving whatever aspect of your life you are now dealing with while putting all of your energy.

Many people think that being confident enough about reaching the "hard and difficult goals" they set is the second step. Well, they're wrong.

Even a confident person can lose his mind while pushing past his limits.

And that happens when you think about the results after achieving the goal you're doing your best to reach. Here where it starts to be overwhelming. Because our mind naturally thinks about the good and bad results which drives humans crazy.

Some give up if they constantly think about the negative results and some do more than they're best if they think about positive results and that will lead to physical end emotional damage. We don't take solid steps. We don't go step by step. We directly look at the end. And this is not what do your best means. So just push beyond your limits without expecting the results.

It's all about your mindset; When the rest of the world turns its back on you, you do the same. That is how things ought to be. By mindset, I mean your actual way of thinking. You will experience difficulties and hard times from time to time. You can either ignore them and finally give up, or you can face them and see them as chances to develop. Once Michael Jordan said:

  Yet, have you ever questioned why people give up? Your attitude is trying to keep you safe in the short-term by making you believe that remaining around for much longer won't be beneficial. However, those who learn to put their long-term goals and purposes ahead of short-term satisfaction are always successful. Once you set your mindset it's time for you to  Be your own competition; 

The simplest way to lose your focus and divert from your objectives is to compare yourself to others. Being laser focused on your own goals and your concept of what success with those goals mean to you as a person is the best service you can provide for yourself and the world large. To get this task done, you have to Comfort your fear;

When you're faced with a wall of fear, it is impossible to push yourself and leave your comfort zone. Everything on the opposite side appears threatening, elusive, and unattainable.

This wall frequently exists only inside your thoughts and was built by you. Your world will clear up if you maintain your confidence and face your anxieties.

The best strategy for overcoming your fear is to face it rather than hiding from it. Every moment in which you feel as though you fail was planned to occur exactly as it did and in no other manner.

I advise you to reconsider your concept of success if you feel that you didn't succeed.

The times when we judge ourselves as failures are frequently the ones that teach us the most about ourselves. 

Allow failure to be a sign of development rather than a dark chapter in your life. don't let it fog your self-esteem from moving forward; instead learn from it.

Your mind starts to feel the failure and dwell on the past less and less as you stay in the moment and practice being totally present.

You grow less reliant on outside approval. You spend less time creating objectives and more time actually completing the task that will help you reach them. 

You will be amazed by the outcomes if you constantly give your best effort. It is a system for living that advances as you use it more frequently.

Final Words

  Because we all have times in our life when we doubt our ability to accomplish anything, BEYOND LIMITS is important. We convince ourselves that it will be too difficult, so we decide against attempting. Beyond limits shows audience that they are capable of overcoming any obstacles, including physical disabilities and self-imposed limitations. "Can't" is simply a word we use to describe our fear. Beyond limits teaches us that while feeling terrified is normal, we should work to push past our fears and doubts in order to take action that will ultimately change something, whatever that may be.



  1. You definitely make a good point. Sometimes the pressure of doing things perfectly can lead us to being more stressed out when it doesn’t go the way you want it to. So that means being ‘imperfect’ can help us learn that if life isn’t, they we don’t have to be either. Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Whitney Stewart

  2. This is so true .great read

  3. Amazing, very helpful for me

  4. I agree with you, it doesn't really help at all. This is good reminder to change it. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Great article! Lots of key advice on how to motivate rather than just using trite sayings. Be specific in goal making instead.

  6. This is so true! Goals are such a personal thing, noone can ever tell anyone that theirs are unrealistic. All that's saying is that it's unrealistic to THEM. Lots of amazing points here!

  7. Great read! I’m working on stepping outside of my comfort zone and following my passions.


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